–UPDATE 02/12/25 @ 5:35PM–

After an extensive search of the Upper Calapooia Road area, Tyler Lanz is believed to have left the area. Anyone with information should not approach him, and call local law enforcement. Tyler Lanz is still considered armed and dangerous.

The Linn County Sheriff’s Office wants to take a moment to thank the many law enforcement agencies who responded to assist in searching for Lanz, and helping to keep our public safe. Agencies responding this afternoon included the Oregon State Police, Lane County Sheriff’s Office, Sweet Home Police Department, and Lebanon Police Department. Additionally, the Sweet Home Fire District mobilized units to a staging location, in the event any emergency medical needs developed during the search.

Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan reports that today at about 12:42 p.m., our deputies assisted Sweet Home Police Department in a pursuit of Tyler Lanz who has outstanding felony warrants from the Parole Board for Assault II.  Lanz left his vehicle and continued to flee on foot in the area of Upper Calapooia Drive and Springer Road, outside of Sweet Home.   Sweet Home Police Officers and Linn County Deputies are in the area searching for Lanz who is thought to be armed with a firearm. Sheriff Duncan is asking people to stay out of the area and an emergency alert message has been sent to nearby residents.  If anyone sees Lanz or has information on his whereabouts they should not approach and immediately call 911.

LANZ, Tyler 12_2024