For Renewals, Transfers, Address/Name Changes or New Applicants, CLICK HERE or visit

Our CHL Portal is optimized for use on a mobile device (smart phone or tablet).


  • Address Change, Name Change, or Transfer – $19.00  ($15.00 + $4.00 online convenience fee)
  • Renewal and Transfer Renewal – $79.00 ($75.00 + $4.00 online convenience fee)
  • New CHL Application – $119.00 ($100.00 + $15.00 fingerprinting fee + $4.00 online convenience fee)

The Oregon Legislature sets the price for Concealed Handgun Licenses. The prices above reflect the 2021 Legislative Session’s increases on those fees as adopted by Senate Bill 554. The new pricing went into effect on 09/25/2021.  Additionally, the Sheriff’s Office made improvements to our processing of Concealed Handgun Licenses, building an online process. There is a $4.00 convenience fee that has been added to our costs.

About Licensing


Proof of Competency

Important Information Regarding Online Classes

Replacement Concealed Handgun License

Important Information for Out of State Applicants

If the aforementioned information has not answered all of your questions, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page for additional answers, or call the Civil Division directly at (541)967-3907. We are currently open M-F from 9AM-4PM.