Our CHL Portal is optimized for use on a mobile device (smart phone or tablet).
- Address Change, Name Change, or Transfer – $19.00 ($15.00 + $4.00 online convenience fee)
- Renewal and Transfer Renewal – $79.00 ($75.00 + $4.00 online convenience fee)
- New CHL Application – $119.00 ($100.00 + $15.00 fingerprinting fee + $4.00 online convenience fee)
The Oregon Legislature sets the price for Concealed Handgun Licenses. The prices above reflect the 2021 Legislative Session’s increases on those fees as adopted by Senate Bill 554. The new pricing went into effect on 09/25/2021. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Office made improvements to our processing of Concealed Handgun Licenses, building an online process. There is a $4.00 convenience fee that has been added to our costs.
About Licensing
The Civil Division is responsible for processing and issuing concealed handgun licenses to residents of Linn County for the purpose of being able to lawfully carry a handgun concealed in the State of Oregon. The licenses are good throughout Oregon, however, there are some areas that are restricted to concealed carry. There are just under 11,000 persons in Linn County who are licensed to carry a handgun concealed. The division processes over 1,000 new and renewal applications per year.
To qualify for a concealed handgun license you must:
- Be a U.S. citizen.
- You may apply if you are not a U.S. citizen it you have lived in Linn County for at least six months and have written proof that you have declared your intent to become a citizen with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.
- Be at least 21 years old.
- Be a resident of Linn County.
- Not have any outstanding warrants for your arrest.
- Not be awaiting trial in a criminal matter or currently completing a diversion agreement. Minor traffic infractions such as speeding do not count as a criminal matter. Traffic crimes such as DUII are a criminal matter.
- Never been convicted of a felony.
- Not have been convicted of a misdemeanor within the last four years.
- Never have been convicted of a crime of domestic violence.
- Not have been found to be mentally ill under ORS 426.130.
- Not be subject to a stalking order or restraining order.
- Not be an unlawful user of, or addicted to, a controlled substance.
- Not have been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.
- Not be required to register as a sex offender in any state.
- If you were under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court for certain offenses, it must be more than four years since discharge.
- You must show written proof of competence with a handgun as defined by statutes.
- Pass a background check.
Proof of Competency
The following are accepted as proof of competency:
- Completion of a hunter safety course approved by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
- Completion of any N.R.A. firearms safety course.
- Completion of any firearms safety course given by N.R.A. certified instructors.
- Completion of any law enforcement firearms safety course.
- Written evidence of experience with a handgun through participation in organized shooting competition.
- Written evidence of experience with a handgun through military service.
- DD214 showing that you had an honorable discharge from the military.
Important Information Regarding Online Classes
Many online courses
DO NOT qualify as proof of competency for an Oregon CHL. The instructor must be a current (not expired) NRA certified instructor or be an instructor certified by a law enforcement agency. A law enforcement agency is a city or municipal police department, a county sheriff’s office, or the State Police. The certificate must list the instructor’s NRA number or the law enforcement agency that certified the instructor. State agencies that train law enforcement officers are
NOT law enforcement agencies.
The OSSA (Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association) has an online CHL course that we accept as proof of competency here.
Replacement Concealed Handgun License
If you are needing a replacement CHL due to it being lost or stolen, please fill out an application here:
Important Information for Out of State Applicants
The Linn County Sheriff has changed his policy on issuing concealed handgun licenses to non-residents:
- First, you must possess a CHL from your home state. Due to differing requirements, an out-of-state concealed handgun license may not satisfy the competency requirements (if they do not, please refer to the “Proof of Competency” section at the top of the page).
- Second, your reason for wanting a CHL must have ties that are specific to Linn County (this can be by either family that resides in Linn County or the ownership of property/business in Linn County) which will need to be specified in a letter written to the Sheriff, and attached to your online CHL application. Without this letter, your application will be DENIED.
If the aforementioned information has not answered all of your questions, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page for additional answers, or call the Civil Division directly at (541)967-3907. We are currently open M-F from 9AM-4PM.