The Linn County Sheriff Sheriff’s Office is recruiting young men and women, ages 14 to 18, to join the Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Team and participate in the summer training program.

This will be the 30th Search and Rescue Training Academy in Linn County and will be held June 20 through June 28.

Those who are interested in becoming an integral part of the Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue mission should have an interest in community service and a desire to be a part of a highly trained and professional life saving organization. The life skills and mentorship by our staff has been an invaluable experience for past SAR members. Many have gone on to become full-time employees!

The application process includes oral board interviews, a background check, and a physical aptitude test. Applicants must attend ONE recruit meeting at the Sheriff’s Office on March 10th, April 14th, or May 5th at 7:00 PM. Additionally, recruits are required to complete an online First Aid and CPR training course provided by the Linn County Sheriff’s Office by June 7th and attend an in-person CPR/First Aid skills class on Saturday, June 7th. On the same day, applicants will participate in a final review and preparation for the academy and must bring all their academy equipment to the CPR/First Aid training for a final equipment check.

The SAR academy will provide comprehensive training, including wilderness survival, shelter building, search tactics, first aid/CPR, map and compass navigation, rappelling, and many other essential skills

RECRUIT MEETINGS (Must attend one of the first three meetings)

Monday, March 10 at 7:00 pm

Monday, April 14 at 7:00 pm

Monday, May 5 at 7:00 pm

PHYSICAL APTITUDE TEST (Must attend at least one)

Depart the Sheriff’s Office promptly at 0800 hours. Return at approximately 1200 hours.

Equipment: Recruits will need to wear clothes for the weather and comfortable boots (bring a water bottle). Lunch is provided.

Saturday May 10th 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Saturday May 17th 8:00 am to 12:00 pm


The online portion must be completed prior to the Skills Day.

Skills Day- Saturday, June 7th 8:00 am- 5:00pm.

Linn County Sheriff’s Office, Albany


After completing all required elements of the application process, recruits will be notified by one of the Search and Rescue Team Leaders if they have been selected to attend the SAR Training Academy. The dates of the Academy are not negotiable, and attendance is required.

Equipment: See the available equipment list provided with the application, request a list from a Team Leader at one of the recruit meetings, or view it here.

Academy dates: June 20 through June 28, 2025


SAR - Volunteer

  • Identification

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Contact Information

  • Emergency Contact

  • Personal References

  • School and Work

  • Past Problems

  • Skills, Activities and Availability

  • Please list the sports and other activities you're involved in.
  • What is your availability for training and emergency duties on weekends?
  • Please provide your First Aid and/or CPR certification with expiration date.
  • Please describe your outdoor camping and/or backpacking experience.
  • What type of outdoor camping and backpacking equipment do you have?
  • Please describe any special skills or training you have. They need not be related to SAR.
  • Please describe your hobbies and/or special interests.
  • Signature and Certification

  • I have read and understood the eligibility requirements for the LCSO SAR and believe that I meet these requirements.

    I have read the entire text of this application and understand it completely. The statements I have made are correct and true.

    I understand that making false statements on this application is a crime. If I have made false statements in this application, I am subject to prosecution and my application will automatically be denied or revoked.

  • Enter your full legal name.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Membership Agreement

  • Please read the following paragraphs carefully, and be sure you agree with them before you sign this application.

    I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post is a volunteer organization, sanctioned by the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, and committed to the ideals of community service, personal growth, honesty and integrity.

    I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post is recognized throughout Oregon for its high standard of professionalism, discipline, and dedication to duty. It is expected by the citizens of Linn County that the Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post be on call 24 hours a day, year round, to provide emergency service. I know that this emergency service may sometimes be performed in the presence of the public, news media or victim’s family and I will conduct myself in a highly professional manner at all times.

    I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post has rules, regulations and policies governing its members attendance, training, personal appearance, equipment, and personal conduct both on and off duty, and that when I freely volunteer to join this organization, I am promising to adhere to those rules. I understand and accept that if I fail to do so, my membership with the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post may be terminated.

    Realizing the serious responsibilities of its emergency service mission, I hereby make application for membership in the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post.

  • Enter your full legal name.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


What is SAR?

First and foremost, a life-saving unit, Search and Rescue (SAR) has evolved into much more. It is the premier mentoring program in Linn County, serving countless teens in its more than 30 years of operation. The youth of SAR work shoulder to shoulder with the deputies of the Linn County Sheriff’s Office. In fact, many of the adult leaders of SAR are full time Linn County Sheriff’s Office deputies.

Since records have been kept, beginning in 1990, the young men and women of Linn County Sheriff’s SAR have dedicated over 100,000 man hours to the citizens of Linn County. Alumni of our program have gone into careers in law enforcement, computer programming, architecture, business, nuclear physics, and have become members of the armed forces.

Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue is an all-volunteer program with staff supervision and leadership. We are extremely proud of the young people in our program. They are the future of our communities.