If you are applying to join the LCSO SAR Post, please first fill out the main SAR volunteer application. Then have your parent or guardian fill out and submit the following consent form. If you are not a minor, you may fill in the Authorization for Consent for Treatment yourself and disregard the parental consent for membership.

If you are not able to complete the form in one sitting, scroll to the bottom and click the “Save and Continue Later” link. Doing this will save a copy of the information you’ve entered and allow you to return and finish later.

  • SAR Authorization for Consent for Treatment

  • Search and rescue missions and training often require a great deal of both physical and mental endurance and sometimes offer an element of risk of bodily harm. Medical clearance for all Search and Rescue volunteers is required by the Linn County Sheriff’s Office. All volunteers are required to report any injuries immediately to members of the Post’s adult leadership. All members of the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post are covered by State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF) while on official functions and actual search and rescue missions, the same as a full time employee of the Linn County Sheriff's Office.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I certify that I am the parent or guardian of the above-named applicant. By signing below, I give consent for the applicant to receive medical treatment as deemed necessary by the attending physician at any licensed medical facility.
  • Enter your full legal name.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please provide an email address where we can contact you if we have questions.
  • Medical Insurance

  • Primary Care Physician

  • Alternate Contact

  • Name of another person to contact if parents cannot be reached.
  • Membership Agreement

  • I hereby give my approval for my son/daughter/ward to join the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post. I agree to do my part to support my son/daughter/ward in his or her participation in the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post. I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post is an emergency service organization committed to the saving of lives and rendering assistance to those in need. I realize that the adult leadership of Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post is provided the Linn County Sheriff’s Office and that the Post Advisor is a sworn deputy sheriff.

    I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post, its leaders and sponsoring institution, the Linn County Sheriff’s Office assume no responsibility for injury or loss of life sustained in the course of its activities, except as provided by the insurance policy currently in force.

  • Enter your full legal name.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.